Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
We are all called to be missionaries in our life and walk as Christian. Sometimes this leads us to different parts of the world, other times it lead us within our own community. You do not have to go far to be a missionary and there are even more ways to support missionaries who are serving in ways and areas we cannot go. Did you know that Our Savior supports twelve missionaries around the globe each year? How are you being called to serve and support His Kingdom work in this world?

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Serve the Kingdom on our upcoming mission trip to Tanzania, Africa
The Mission Committee has some exciting news! We are planning a mission trip to Tanzania, Africa. We will be going with another church group that would lead the trip. The dates are July 5th - 15th, 2024. It will include helping with an eyeglass clinic, fitting used glasses for people in need. The accommodations is a hotel, with the last day going on a safari and tenting in the wild! For more information contact the church office, Sue Bergamo, or Allan Sunken.