Growing together.
Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.
Junior High Ministry for grades 6-8
Our Savior is working to provide opportunities to connect youth and parents to Gospel of Jesus Christ. We seek to share Christ's love with others, encourage one another and grow in our relationship with Christ. Through youth programs that enable young people to glorify and serve God through their lives.
Sunday morning at 10:00 am the Jr. and Sr High combine for Sunday School and work through Simply Loved. This class meets downstairs in the youth room.
Wednesday evenings we have a program called Connect where we gather from 7:30 to 8:30 for Bible study, games and food. A great opportunity to bring friends.
Every fall we attend the District Jr. High event for 6th – 8th graders. This year the theme is Teach Us to Pray in Des Moines. There are games, food, music, sectionals and much more each year.
Watch for registration information around August each year!

Senior High Ministry for grades 9-12
Our Savior is working to provide different opportunities to connect youth and parents to Gospel of Jesus Christ. We seek to share Christ with others, encourage one another and grow in our relationship with Christ which enables us to glorify and serve God through our lives.
Sunday mornings they meet downstairs for Bible Study from 10:00-11:00 a.m.
The Iowa West District also operates Camp Okoboji where young people can experience summertime outdoor activities while developing their relationship with Christ. For more information visit:

Upcoming Events
Sunday Mornings
9:00 am - 10:00 am
Join us for a family friendly worship!
Join us for a family friendly worship!
10:00 am - 11:00 am
Sunday School Hour
Upstairs there are classes for Pre-K through 5th grade.
Downstairs there is Bible Study for 6th - 12th grade.
Upstairs there are classes for Pre-K through 5th grade.
Downstairs there is Bible Study for 6th - 12th grade.